Tennis Footwork Coaching Video Lessons
Tennis footwork the most important part of your game!
Unfortunately, it is also one of the most underrated areas of the sport.
Learning to move around the court correctly using tennis footwork is extremely important.
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Tennis footwork is probably the most important part of tennis. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most underrated areas of the sport... More...

The ready position is the position you want to be in when you're waiting for your opponent to hit you the tennis ball... More...

The first step movement is how you begin the footwork pattern you are going to employ. The first step movement is important because it facilitates correct movement around the court... More...

Moving to the ball, following your first step movement, typically involves running to the ball... More...

Bringing your back foot up after you hit the ball puts you in position to recover back to the middle of the tennis court... More...

The side shuffle is a really, really important piece of tennis footwork. It allows you to move in one direction but be able to change direction extremely quickly... More...

The cross step is a step you can take when recovering back to the middle of the court. It allows you to recover a little bit faster than simply side shuffling... More...

This video demonstrates a complete tennis footwork sequence. It starts in the ready position. The coach moves out to the ball, sets up and hits, he then recovers back to the middle of the tennis court... More...

When to attack is a tricky question for many recreational players. Often, rec players aren't positioned properly or over-hit... sometimes they make both mistakes at the same time... More...

This video teaches you how to practice modern tennis footwork during your warm up... More...

To becoming a high-level tennis player you need to personalize your game. That means identifying your athletic talents, in other words, what you're good at and building your game around them... More...

This coach, coaches one of his top students and really hones his footwork patterns for maximum defensive and offensive effectiveness... More...

Beating a pusher can be a very, very tough ask a recreational player. This video shows you how you can use modern tennis footwork to attack this type of player and make beating a pusher a relatively simple affair... More...

This drill is designed to get you comfortable moving forward and playing on all parts of the court. This is an essential skill to possess... More...

The split step is an incredibly vital part of tennis footwork in this video 1 of the 3 we show you this important technique... More...

The split step is an incredibly vital part of tennis footwork in this video 2 of the 3, we show you timing... More...

The split step is an incredibly vital part of tennis footwork in this video 3 of the 3 we show you the pivot and fake... More...