Fast Fitness
Of course your friends talk about it and rave about the latest fitness craze, but you've seen it too often, some of them are on the “on-again-off-again” treadmill / stair master mania, and you wonder why they haven't shed the fat that they're desperately still trying to hide.
Seeing what your friends go through and not seeing any results, you cling to the notion that your total lack of interest is justified.
You're not the least bit inclined to engage in these circus-like contortions or do those mindless freestyle strokes in the water. That would only encroach into your already busy schedule of juggling family, home and career. These three combined with husband/children/work are your exercise.
Before tackling the idea of fitting exercise into your busy schedule, it might be better if we start with the concept of self-assessment and then familiarize ourselves with the disease-prevention aspect of exercise.
Once you've accepted the fact that exercise is good for your health, then you can consider some of the ways you can include it into your life.
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