Displaying Matches 11 thru 20 of 72 Found. FIRSTBACK NEXTLAST

Player 1 is leading 6/4 5/1 in a second round of high-level tennis tournament. Suddenly, he lost easy rally and it is visible that something broke down. After next 35 minutes, opponent won 12 consecutive gems and won whole match 4/6 7/5 6/0. We can be surprised and ask what happened but the answer can be only one: unpredictability... More...

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As you can imagine tennis is a very high impact sport, this alone creates a huge need for a good pair of highly appropriate shoes that are designed to last a long time and ensure that you have the durability as well as comfort that you need... More...

Either if you are a singles or doubles player, coach or tennis fan, this document will provide you some great insights on how to serve better, perform better on the court and how to prepare your body and mind for every match... More...

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What you may not realize is that while having a great racquet will help you on the court, a good tennis bag will help you to do just as well off of the court... More...

Tennis is at once an art and a science. Yet like all true art, it has its basis in scientific methods that MUST be learned and learned throughly for a foundation... More...

Of course there are the basics such as the balls but what are some of the other pieces of equipment that are needed in order to play effectively?... More...

"Tennis" - if you have ever stopped to consider what it is, that it can be called a fairly basic sport. Because of this virtually anyone can learn how to play successfully, the hard part is the physical aspect... More...
Displaying Matches 11 thru 20 of 72 Found FIRSTBACK NEXTLAST